Who is Tixl's competition?

Earlier this month, I wrote an article "Who are Tixl's competitors?". If you read it, you've seen that I think that Tixl has no competitors.

But we need to be realistic here. I also wrote an article where I mention that not always the best technical solution is the one that dominates the market. The point is: competition can come from anywhere, at any time. From a technical point, I still think that Tixl is the best solution but we need to be fair and look at other solutions that have a similar proposition to Tixl's: fast and cheap (I think these are the main business problems everyone wants to solve), and interoperability (which I find more difficult to explain).

Cardano (ADA)

For all I know, Cardano is a Layer 1 solution, just like Tixl. And it was born earlier, when the founder didn't agree with what was being developed for ETH. I think he understood that, the more the ETH network grew, the slower it would get, and the higher the price of ETH, the more expensive it would become to do transactions.

Cardano has a business plan, has money and seems to be delivering. As expected, development is slow but, according to the founder, he doesn't care, because he has a vision (and it is quite interesting).

I don't have enough knowledge to say that Tixl's solution is better than Cardano's, or vice versa. So I will just say that, in this point, both follow the same path.

Where I think that Cardano gets it wrong is the way it is positioned: the option to BTC and ETH. I don't think that is good because they basically say: leave BTC and ETH and come to ADA.

BTC and ETH are the 2 great "brands" in Crypto. How much do you think it would cost (in money and time) for this to happen, if it even has a chance to happen?

Compare this to Tixl's approach of "keep you BTC and ETH and bring them to our Autobahn Network". This positioning / strategy seems to be much easier to sell. Of course, this is my opinion.

ETH 2.0

This one could be a serious competitor. I just don't know if it is feasible. Look, the ETH network is built on top of Proof-of-Work. I cannot think on a way of having POW be as fast and reliable as the consensus algorithm that Tixl uses. It seems like a crotch that ETH is putting on their own network to try to make it better. In my opinion, they will get results but, ultimately, their performance will always, at some point, be limited by their original underlying foundation.

But that is the technical part of the comparison. When we look at the business side, we have to admit that ETH is the 2nd Crypto in the world. And it is the most used solution used to mint other Cryptos. It is a very strong brand already.

From a business perspective, once again I like Tixl's collaborative approach. I think it would take some convincing (and egos are high in this area). They would have to convince the super smart people in the ETH community that it would be quite smart to let Tixl solve their cost and speed problems so they can spend more energy in getting more market share. I think that, if they are able to sell this idea of "save your time and money to get more market share and let us take care of your current problems", the results could be great.

So, ETH 2.0 could be a competitor but Tixl could turn them into partners.

Polygon (MATIC)

To be completely honest, I haven't heard about Polygon until a few weeks ago. They seem to do the same as Tixl with an advantage: they are already there. Most of the times, the great winners are the ones who deliver first, not the ones with the best solution. My greatest example for this has always been Microsoft, who certainly dominated the personal software market on the 1990's until today (yeah, Apple got there, but still...). I know how much I have complained about Microsofts products (all of them) but their MS-Office just now started to be threatened by solutions like Google and others. Why? Because they were very fast to deliver products - full of bugs, but they were there.

From a technical point of view, Polygon is a Layer 2 solution and I think it is developed on top of ETH. So we're back to the crotch. I really don't think this solution could be as good as Tixl's Autobahn.

But this could be not important, if Tixl takes too long to go-live and market their product. Because once people start using a certain solution - if it works, if it delivers - people will be satisfied and that creates a barrier for something new.

I haven't studied Polygon enough to understand if they will bring BTC, ETH and others into their network. I will guess that not because their solution is a Layer 2 solution and it seems to me that would be very hard. So I would guess that their approach would be similar to Cardano's "use us instead of...". And I think this is not a good approach.

Other Layer 2 solutions

Enjin (ENJ)

Enjin has had a solution for "fast and cheap" on their roadmap since 2018 and they just announced they are starting to implement it now. Once again, from the technical point of view, I think it will be limited, at some time, by the ETH foundation limitations.

ENJ, however, is more of a niche player meaning they don't want to solve all the problems of the world. They want to dominate the NFTs market and have been implementing interoperability between games for a very long time. I don't see them as a competitor.

Litecoin (LTC) and DASH

Both are L2 solutions and both were born from within the BTC blockchain because they understood that BTC would become slow and expensive. DASH implemented privacy (anonymity).

Tixl is in touch with DASH and is building a partnership. I think that is a very smart move. They are probably selling the "let us take care of performance, cost and privacy for you while you take care of growing your marketshare" speech. The privacy subject is a question mark.

I only can see LTC benefiting from using Tixl... so... 

Other L1 solutions

I don't know much about the other ones: Ripple, TRON. So I'm sorry, there is not much I can say.

My guess is the general "everybody wants to compete and take part or all of BTC/ETH marketshare". And I don't think this is a good approach, as I mentioned many times before. In my opinion, all of them would benefit from partnering with Tixl instead of competing against Tixl.

My conclusion

I think that Tixl has the right approach technically and from a business point of view. The main issue could be timing. And I'm not saying that now is the best time to launch their solution. In this market, I will always think that, the earlier the better and get the right message out.

The main product is ready. The showcase is almost ready. It is a matter of days, maybe a couple weeks. If Tixl is able to attract US$ 100M in BTC and ETH to the Autobahn in a short period of time, we will see the $TXL token appear as the best investment in 2021.


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